Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan distributed cheques of financial assistance under Martyrs Package among the heirs of four frontline health workers who lost their lives due to Covid-19 in the line of duty.
A ceremony in this regard was held at Chief Minister’s House here on Thursday with Chief Minister Mahmood Khan as chief guest.
Besides, Minister for Health, Taimur Saleem Jhagra, Secretary Health Imtiaz Hussain Shah and others. A total of 14 frontline health workers’ families have been provided compensation so far. Under the shuhada package heirs of each frontline health worker are being provided with Rs 7.00 million.
While paying tribute to the services and sacrifices of doctors and other health workers rendered during the pandemic said that frontline health workers sacrificed, he said that their services and sacrifices for humanity would be remembered forever.
The chief minister added that the incumbent provincial government highly appreciated and valued the services of health workers they were rendering in the prevailing corona situation.
Meanwhile, a five-member delegation of Insaf Doctors Forum also called the Chief Minister Mahmood Khan. The delegation was led by forum’s president Dr. Mudeer Khan while the other members included IDF general secretary Dr. Nabi Jan Afridi and other young doctors.
During the meeting discussion was made on the policies of the provincial government regarding strengthening of the health sector, ongoing developmental schemes particularly the developmental projects reflected in the upcoming financial year budget. The delegation appreciated the steps taken by the incumbent government for the revamping of the health system in the province and put forward its proposals regarding sustainable development and redressal of public issues in the health sector. The chief minister appreciated the positive proposals of the delegation and said that from day first strengthening and improvement of overall health system in the province was the priority of incumbent provincial government adding that the completion of all ongoing developmental projects was the top most priority of the government and all due for completion projects would be inaugurated very soon so that public could benefit from those projects at the earliest. Mahmood Khan said that in the next financial year budget special attention has been given to the health sector and huge resources had been allocated for the revival of the health sector in the province.
He added that liver transplant in Sehat Card Plus scheme was included while in the next phase bone marrow transplant would be made part of the said scheme.
The chief minister further said that the volume of Sehat Card in tribal districts was also increased from 0.6 million to 1.00 million per family, adding that, in order to provide free medicines to masses in public sector hospitals, funds have been increased 111 percent in the upcoming financial year budget. The chief minister said that a project to establish four state of the art hospitals in different regions under public private partnership was also reflected in the next budget. In next two years a total of Rs. 10.00 billion would be spent on rehabilitation and revamping of District Headquarter Hospitals across the province, he added.